Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What is BI Apps?

I keep getting this question, along with how does Informatica interact with the OBIEE, and just what is the DAC?

BI Apps can simply be described as 4 repositories.
- rpd file for BI Server
- Webcat files for Presentation catalog
- xml files for DAC
- rep file for Infomatica

After you have installed the Oracle Database for the repositories, the Java into ?:\Java, and the OBIEE platform (BI Server, Presentation Server) you then install the Informatica server and then the DAC server and client. Do not run the DAC client yet. You then install the BI Apps. This appears to mainly be just an extraction of files from a zip. This has to be done on a windows machine.

You then simply point your NQSConfig.ini file at the OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd
Then point your instanceconfig.xml at the EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics catalog
Then run the DAC client for the first time. It will create an empty repository in the database. When it is loaded, import the xml files from ?:\OracleBI\dwrep\DAC_metadata\DAC_Client\export. Now you can 'Restore' the rep file into the Informatica Repository service.

You have now installed the BI Apps.

Informatica does not interact with OBIEE, the only connection is that the DAC runs Informatica Workflows.

The issue of the DAC is a whole blog of it's own, so will do that in the RM blog.

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